01 Jan

How to apply the advantages of fiber laser marking machine.

As a new processing method, fiber laser marker machine has been widely used in the metal processing industry. More and more metal processing manufacturers begin to choose laser processing technology to process metal. Why choose fiber laser marker machine? What about processing? What are the advantages of the performance of fiber laser marker machine?

1. The optical fiber is small in size, slightly larger than the main box of the home computer.

2. The optical fiber is deeply processed, and the optical fiber can make a depth to the metal, with high speed and high efficiency, while the semiconductor laser cannot complete the deep processing task well.

3. Optical fiber fine processing. The spot of the fiber laser is very fine and can be processed finely, but the semiconductor cannot be finely processed due to the inherently thick spot.

4. The fiber speed is fast and the production efficiency is high.

5. The optical fiber is maintenance-free, because the optical fiber high-ultraviolet laser marking machine is integrated, and the laser is generated in a completely closed environment, which is little affected by the outside world and requires little maintenance, while the semiconductor laser marking machine is greatly affected by the outside world and is affected. wide range.